
life is just a bowl of 'em.

who doesn't love cherries?  come on now, you know what i'm talking about: perfectly ripe, firm, juicy and fresh.  delicious.

meet jalapeño (he is a cherry).  i consider him a very special cherry, with his especially shiny, rosy  skin and lush foliage.  we had a bit of a photo shoot and bonded (insert musical montage here), but then I totally ate him.  could. not. resist. 

my quest to discover more about our scrumptious friend led me to even more reasons to love the cherry:
  • they are delicious (a given and already discussed, but deserving of another mention)
  • cherries bruise like a peach, so keep the unnecessary bashing to a minimum. they are best stored with enough legroom to wiggle about 
  • cherry oil and pits contain cyanide (who knew?) – not enough to necessarily be used as a weapon by the CIA, but enough to make you sick if you swallow too many pits - consider yourself warned
  • cherries are low in fat and high in Vitamins A, C and E and beta carotene (hooray!)
  • they are the highest fruit source of melatonin in all the land (way to go, jalapeño!). melatonin helps regulate your sleep cycle
  • cherries can help reduce inflammation in the body (including arthritis)
  • one cherry tree can produce enough cherries to make over 70 pies – yes, please!
it's almost the end of prime cherry season (may to august), but not to worry; there are still dried cherries, frozen cherries, cherry jams and compotes, cherry sorbet, cherry pie filling, kirsch, cherry popscicles, cherry jello...


  1. Just came across your your cherry article... you are a very talented woman! Absolutely blown away by your cakes...

  2. You have always had a way with words :) Love your blog and love you xoxo
